Put It in Writing

Sharing information in the form of a report is an integral part of most workers’ daily responsibilities. Without the right information or the right delivery (both in writing and in person), a report can do more to hinder communication than support it. Many employees struggle in these areas, producing instead reports that are unorganized, wordy, overly formal or informal, and inconsistently formatted, resulting in unnecessary confusion and a loss of credibility. Effective preparation and presentation are key to reporting. Taking the time to plan—to identify your purpose, your reader, and your key points—offers numerous benefits, both to you and your organization. Quality reports help to add focus and context to decision making, manage expectations about current and future projects, instill accountability, encourage best practices and shared learning, and solve problems objectively.


Put It in Writing
Begin self-paced component package.
Begin self-paced component package. Effective preparation and presentation are key to reporting. Taking the time to plan—to identify your purpose, your reader, and your key points—offers numerous benefits, both to you and your organization. Quality reports help to add focus and context. Learn how to use the right information and the right delivery to communicate.
Put It in Writiing - Satisfaction Survey
2 Questions
2 Questions Please help us better understand how we can improve our on demand programs by providing your feedback on this course
Put It in Writing - Certificate of Completion
1.00 hour credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 hour credit  |  Certificate available